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11 things to think about before considering EDI accreditation


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When it comes to accreditation for your organisation, there are several things to consider before you sign up and start the process. We recognise that (like us) only the very best accreditation bodies see the certification as the ‘icing on the cake’. At the National Centre for Diversity we believe that the process leading to accreditation should enable you to achieve organisation-wide professional development. You should be certain that it will deliver the desired outcomes as well as being cost and time effective. We’ve put together a list of questions to think about when researching a suitable accreditation process for your organisation.

1.   Does the accreditation have real integrity and value and therefore gives you a sense of real achievement?

2.   Is the content tangible and does it focus on a ‘hearts and minds’ approach?

3.   Does it use an ‘organisation centered’ 360-degree method?

4.   Does it give you an equality impact assessment of behaviours, conduct, values, beliefs and attitudes?

5.   Does the accreditation include start to end leading, high-quality comprehensive support of trained, trusted experts in the field?

6.   Will you be provided with solutions and a plan?

7.   Does it help you embed EDI throughout the organisation?

8.   Does it guarantee that you will make measurable percentage improvements in behaviours, conduct, values, beliefs and attitudes?*

9.   Does it cover all 9 Protected Characteristics?

10.   Is there an effective mechanism to help you deliver on the Public Sector Equality Duty?

11.   Does the provider believe that the accreditation is just symbolic? Do they place the real value in the process that the organisation goes through to achieve the accreditation?

If the accreditation doesn’t have these, the process will have no significant impact on your organisation. When it comes to investing in professional development, the outcome of any training or accreditation should be a substantial one; organisations really benefit from the learning and development process when it is notable and measurable.

If the accreditation you are considering does not positively address all of these questions, your organisation should consider the Investors in Diversity or Leaders in Diversity Awards. Contact us for more information.

*The National Centre for Diversity guarantees that, as long as organisations own, lead and deliver on the agenda and follow the information, advice and guidance of their Investors or Leaders in Diversity Advisor, they will see measurable improvement in their EDI practices.


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