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Our EDI Accreditations utilise FREDIE as an enhancement to regular EDI frameworks for a more effective solution for workforce engagement.


We passionately believe that an inclusive organisation is a successful organisation.

We will help you build an inclusive culture by harnessing the power of FREDIE (Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement) in your workplace. We do this through Investors in Diversity – a tool that has been much loved for two decades.

Working with over one thousand organisations across multiple sectors, we have created a framework that builds inclusive cultures and leads organisations to success. Our approach is continuously evolving in step with the modern workplace and our dedicated team of assessors are knowledgeable, highly experienced, and here to tailor their support to your needs.

Here are our three main EDI Accreditations

EDI Accreditation - Bronze

Investors in Diversity


Bronze is the first of the three stages in the Investors in Diversity FREDIE accreditation.

It provides organisations with a framework to put in place a strong foundation to embed FREDIE into wider organisational systems. In addition to being a starting point for those that are beginning their FREDIE journey, this best practice model enables organisations, at all stages of their FREDIE journey, to measure and demonstrate FREDIE maturity.

EDI Accreditation - Silver

Investors in Diversity


Building on the requirements of Bronze, the ‘Investors in Diversity Silver UK’ accreditation invites feedback from the people working in your organisation.

The second step in the Investors in Diversity accreditation is about listening to what employees have to say and understanding how people are experiencing the culture within your organisation. In this part of the process, organisations measure the sense of FREDIE from the employees’ perspective. This model provides a benchmark against other organisations, while also providing insights into key strengths and areas that require development.

EDI Accreditation - Gold

Investors in Diversity


The ‘Gold Investors in Diversity FREDIE accreditation’ is all about excellence and ensuring FREDIE is part of the DNA of your organisation.

In this stage, organisations must demonstrate how FREDIE is embedded across everything, and as a result is influencing the “lived experience” of employees in a positive way.

Your journey is flexible to your needs with additional support days, yearly reviews and bespoke training available to help you deliver on your action plan.

What is Investors in Diversity?

Bringing all of your equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives together and building on your existing strategy, the Investors in Diversity accreditation is a framework that helps you to build on your successes, close any gaps and embed FREDIE (fairness, respect, equality diversity, inclusion and engagement) practices and behaviours throughout your organisational culture.

This holistic approach will create the conditions for promoting greater communication, discussion and engagement at every level of your organisation.

What are the benefits?

Our EDI Accreditation Programs have transformed hundreds of organisations from across a wide range of sectors.

The organisations we work with have found many key benefits from the process, including:

  • 100% of participating organisations revealed that they felt that they are in a better position to deal with the changing political and social situation, and how it affects their organisation since achieving IiD Bronze or Silver.
  • 81.82% of organisations reported a reduction of incidents of discrimination being witnessed
  • Improved links between employee activities and strategic objectives
  • Improvement in attitudes, behaviours and conduct

Our Guarantee to you...

We guarantee that as long as your organisation owns, leads and delivers on the agenda and follows the guidance of your Advisor, you will achieve one or more of the following outcomes:

  • Measurable improvement in your FREDIE practices
  • Organisational transformation
  • Complete culture change


Changing workplace culture takes more than a 15 minute ‘what is equality?’ video followed by a Q&A.

We realise the journey to creating a fair and equitable workplace isn’t a walk in the park – so our customer support team are here to answer all your questions, explain the process and discuss how our services can be tailored to meet your needs.

Call now on 0800 288 4717 or


We recognise that every organisation is different and has a different starting point. Whether you have 1 employee or 20,000, whether you are in the private, public or voluntary sector; if you are just starting your journey towards EDI or are already well established, our Investors in Diversity framework will recognise your efforts and support you on your journey of continuous improvement.

Our guide below will help you understand where you are on your journey…


“We do what we have always done”

Sounds like:- “We think we are compliant with legal and regulatory requirements. There is some awareness and engagement from leadership but overall we need more skills or knowledge to apply FREDIE effectively and we’re not sure where to start.”

Find out more about improving and recognising your organisation’s EDI approach with our training and accreditations.

  • Gain the skills you need to implement and manage EDI successfully.
  • Enjoy the huge benefits that come from our FREDIE approach to EDI.
  • Benefit from training and accreditation tailored to your specific needs.

Call us today on 0800 288 4717 for an informal chat about how we can help with your FREDIE journey.

Alternatively, submit your details via our enquiry form to arrange a call back to discuss your needs.

First Steps

“We’re trying but our policies are hit and miss”

Sounds like:- “Our Senior Leadership Team recognise the need for more attention on our EDI approach. We want to move forward with a structured plan to improve and a way to monitor that improvement. We need an external organisation to provide us with a framework to progress.”

Find out more about improving and recognising your organisation’s EDI approach with our training and accreditations.

  • Gain the skills you need to implement and manage EDI successfully.
  • Enjoy the huge benefits that come from our FREDIE approach to EDI.
  • Benefit from training and accreditation tailored to your specific needs.

Call us today on 0800 288 4717 for an informal chat about how we can help with your FREDIE journey.

Alternatively, submit your details via our enquiry form to arrange a call back to discuss your needs.


“We know we’re doing good work, but we need structure”

Sounds like:- “We have tried a number of EDI initiatives to varying degrees of success. What we need is a framework with bespoke support to tie our work together, assess our successes, improve and review our improvement.”

Find out more about improving and recognising your organisation’s EDI approach with our training and accreditations.

  • Gain the skills you need to implement and manage EDI successfully.
  • Enjoy the huge benefits that come from our FREDIE approach to EDI.
  • Benefit from training and accreditation tailored to your specific needs.

Call us today on 0800 288 4717 for an informal chat about how we can help with your FREDIE journey.

Alternatively, submit your details via our enquiry form to arrange a call back to discuss your needs.


“We have structure but we want to take it further”

Sounds like:- “We have undertaken a number initiatives and we have seen some real improvements in terms of policy development, inclusive behaviours and engagement from the leadership team. We want to use these foundations to build upon the good work we have already done and become an examplar of great practice.”

Find out more about improving and recognising your organisation’s EDI approach with our training and accreditations.

  • Gain the skills you need to implement and manage EDI successfully.
  • Enjoy the huge benefits that come from our FREDIE approach to EDI.
  • Benefit from training and accreditation tailored to your specific needs.

Call us today on 0800 288 4717 for an informal chat about how we can help with your FREDIE journey.

Alternatively, submit your details via our enquiry form to arrange a call back to discuss your needs.


“We want to go above and beyond”

Sounds like:- “We believe that we are an inclusive behaviours are embedded throughout our organisation but we don’t want to rest on our laurels. We want to be the trailblazers of innovative approaches that will makes us a beacon of great practice.”

Find out more about improving and recognising your organisation’s EDI approach with our training and accreditations.

  • Gain the skills you need to implement and manage EDI successfully.
  • Enjoy the huge benefits that come from our FREDIE approach to EDI.
  • Benefit from training and accreditation tailored to your specific needs.

Call us today on 0800 288 4717 for an informal chat about how we can help with your FREDIE journey.

Alternatively, submit your details via our enquiry form to arrange a call back to discuss your needs.