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Combining a personal NCFD trainer with our online courses really brings your diversity training sessions to life.

SO what is guided learning?

Take your Diversity Training to the next level

This is a fabulous new way of learning – bringing together our wonderful online diversity training courses and blending that with having your own trainer. This approach brings the content to life through interaction. It is designed to train groups of up to 15 learners. It closely replicates the experience of face-to-face training in a virtual setting.

Our guided learning is a structured way of delivering webinars. It incorporates the traditional three key essential elements of learning, namely:

  • Audio
  • Visual
  • Kinaesthetic (Activity-based learning)

But it also adds one other element, identified by neuroscience as extremely impactful on learning, which is emotion.

With the National Centre for Diversity’s Guided Learning, one of our trained advisors guides small groups of your staff through any of our online diversity courses. This blended mode of learning expands on the content of the course by encouraging discussion amongst the group of colleagues about the thought-provoking content.

In this more interactive format, your staff can ask the trainer questions, discuss the more difficult topics in a safe space, and embed the knowledge gained through the course.

We take a story telling approach and encourage others to share their experiences. The feedback that we get is overwhelmingly positive with people telling us that they were updated, informed, entertained and that they learned new things.

View our specially created online courses to support your Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training


Diversity training tailored for your organisation utilising our FREDIE EDI framework.

Online diversity training

Online Diversity Training courses all with unique and entertaining content your staff will enjoy.


Masters in Diversity (MID) is for the trail blazers! Companies who want to set the gold standard for EDI in the workplace.

Why favour fredie?

FREDIE is our extension of the EDI framework created specifically for the modern workplace and based on two decades of EDI experience.