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Personal Inclusivity Development Programme

A 12-month inclusivity training program designed for managers to embed EDI cultures within their teams.

What is the Personal Inclusivity Development Programme?

Take your Leadership to the next level

Diversity and inclusion have been on the boardroom agenda for over a decade. The changing social landscape and modern workplace mean that organisations need to build an inclusive workplace culture to ensure that their business success is sustainable.

An inclusive workplace culture is one in which the prevailing emotional climate in your workplaces makes your employees feel that fairness for all is a reality, respect for all is the norm, equality of opportunity for all is embedded, diverse employees feel that they belong, all colleagues are committed to inclusive behaviours and there is a positive emotional engagement between colleagues, their work, managers and leaders. In short, where everyone lives and breathes the values and goals of the organisation. Leaders are the curators of fairness, respect, equality, diversity, inclusion and engagement in their organisations. Leaders’ actions and behaviours set the culture that determines employee engagement, behaviours, and their development, their approach to inclusion has the potential to guarantee long-term organisational success.

Our Personal Inclusivity Development Programme is a 12-month improvement programme. Working closely with an inclusion assessor, we will help you to identify your inclusion baseline with our revolutionary ‘I-Test’. From there, we will build and deliver a bespoke action plan that will capitalise on your strengths and target areas for improvement. Super-charging your inclusion will allow you to get the best out of your teams and navigate challenges with ease. Start your journey to world-class leadership today!

View our specially created online courses to support your Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training


Diversity training tailored for your organisation utilising our FREDIE EDI framework.

Online diversity training

Online Diversity Training courses all with unique and entertaining content your staff will enjoy.


Masters in Diversity (MID) is for the trail blazers! Companies who want to set the gold standard for EDI in the workplace.

Why favour fredie?

FREDIE is our extension of the EDI framework created specifically for the modern workplace and based on two decades of EDI experience.