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Stay optimistic for 2017 – exciting times are ahead for you


Article Overview:


 Happy New Year to you all, from the NCFD Family!

Many people that I have met recently were happy to see the back of 2016; what with the incessant bad news at home and abroad, negative campaigning (Brexit and US elections) and on top of all that we had the apocalyptic post-Brexit predictions for an economic meltdown. Then, of course, there were the deaths of people who those of us of a certain age grew up with, such as David Bowie, George Michael and Carrie Fisher.

The great thing about the Christmas break is that it offers many of us the opportunity to take stock and reflect on what went well in 2016. It also allows us to look forward to what we want to achieve in 2017 – whether that is wanting to lose weight, get fitter, looking for a new house, securing a new job or just doing the job that we already have even better.

The Governor of the Bank of England seems to have had time to reflect and gave us some cause for optimism, by talking up Britain’s economic performance since Brexit.

We are also excited by what can be achieved in 2017. This year, on the 16th March, we will be extremely busy. As well as hosting the second annual Grand Awards evening; we are holding a fantastic conference on the topic of what good practice looks like Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (FREDI).

We have an excellent panel of industry expert speakers including representatives from Leeds Building Society (the first financial institution to be working towards Leaders in Diversity), NG Bailey, a huge UK based engineering success story, the fabulous Yorkshire Coast Homes (UK Housing Provider of the Year 2016), the outstanding Huddersfield New College (UK EF Provider of the Year 2016) and the brilliant Cruden Construction (UK Construction Company of the Year 2016).

We will also examine FREDI in the Post-Brexit era, as well as give delegates an introduction to the brand new concept of Neuro-equality and our new Inclusion Intelligence Quotient (IIQ).

Space is limited for both events, so book now and don’t miss out!

Stay optimistic for 2017, here’s to a fantastic new year – exciting times are ahead for us all.



Stay up to speed with the latest on EDI in the UK workplace from The National Centre For Diversity.