Meet 2024's Champions of Inclusion:
Our Top 100 Inclusive Employers Index is Live!

About the National Centre For Diversity

Meet the team and find out about our history of delivering effective EDI


Our mission is to transform organisations into fair, equitable and inclusive places for everyone.

We have been helping companies benefit from friendlier, fairer, more diverse workplaces since 2005.

Since 2005 we have provided the UK’s longest-standing equality, diversity and inclusion accreditation.

Working with over 1000 organisations across multiple sectors we have created a framework that builds inclusive cultures and leads organisations to success. Our approach is continuously evolving in-step with the modern workplace. Our team is on hand to guide you through your journey and our dedicated assessors are knowledgeable, highly experienced and here to tailor their support to your needs.

Meet the team

Solat Chaudhry
Solat Chaudhry

Founder and Chief Executive

Solat Chaudhry is the visionary founder and current  Chief Executive of the National Centre for Diversity, established in July 2005. Solat has worked passionately in the field of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion for over 20 years. Working to support victims of discrimination, harassment, and victimisation.

Under his leadership, the National Centre for Diversity has become a leading voice and advocate for FREDIE – Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, and Engagement – a field in which Solat is widely recognised as the UK’s foremost authority.

Instrumental in shaping comprehensive frameworks for workplace inclusion, Solat pioneered the nationally recognised standards ‘Investors in Diversity: Bronze, Silver and Gold’, setting benchmarks for organisational practice. He also conceptualised ‘Inclusion IQ’, a tool designed to elevate understanding and implementation of diversity in leadership contexts, and spearheaded the ‘Personal Inclusivity Development Programme’ aimed at nurturing senior leaders’ capacity for transformative change.

In addition to his UK-based impact, Solat serves as the Executive Chairman of the Irish Centre for Diversity, further extending his influence and dedication to promoting fair fair treatment, mutual respect, and active engagement within organisations.

With a career marked by innovation, thought leadership, and unwavering dedication to equality, Solat Chaudhry remains a pivotal figure driving systemic change and championing inclusive excellence across industries.

Aneesah Khan
Aneesah Khan

Operations Manager

As our Operations Manager, Aneesah works with organisations to identify and create impactful and personalised support that will bring about the most significant EDI improvements within organisations across all sectors.

Working closely with our CEO and administrative specialists, Aneesah oversees the development of the business. She also attends conferences, exhibitions and events to promote the work that we do.

Heather Canton
Heather Caton

Financial Administrator

As Financial Administrator, Heather manages invoicing, payments and finance-related enquiries.

Aneela Baig
Aneela Baig

Online Resources Manager

As our Online Resources Manager Aneela liaises and supports organisations to ensure a smooth experience when accessing the various e-learning programmes we offer.

Aneela also supports the administrative element in the delivery of our accreditations, maintaining our online survey platform and reporting on training need outcomes.

Ellis Pearce

Marketing Officer

As our Marketing and Communications Officer, Ellis creates supporting marketing material for the services we provide, maintains our active social media platforms as well as updating and maintaining our website.

Ellis works closely with the administrative team to provide technical assistance to the team and clients.

Julie Grant
Julie Grant

Admin Support Specialist

As an administration Support Specialist, Julie works closely with our Internal Operations Manager to provide technical support and guidance to clients and manage their accreditation journeys.

Asari St Hill
Asari St Hill

As an NCFD Practitioner, Asari works to advance Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement (FREDIE) for all in the workplace, working with organisations across all sectors to deliver personal training as well as Investors or Leaders in Diversity accreditations.

He has been involved in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion initiatives for 40yrs, including assessing and advising organisations, training in equality and diversity, report writing, service inspections, setting up staff networks, recruitment initiatives, mentoring for BME staff and conference speaking. He has focused on coaching and training senior leaders and business owners in the last 13+ years.

Asari has delivered high-profile presentations on equality and diversity to Boards, Senior Management Teams, large corporate audiences, conferences, whole staff teams and departments.

Asari has a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and is both an Accredited Mentor and an Accredited Coach.

Fiona McPhail
Fiona McPhail

Fiona is the Director of MWA Ltd, a consultancy and training company which provides specialist advice, support and training on HR and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

With a background originally in the Higher Education sector, Fiona has worked as an HR and Equality specialist for over thirty years. As Divisional Head of HR at Leicester University her remit also included leading on Equality Diversity and Inclusion, Wellbeing and Learning and Professional Development – context 5,000 on site staff, 25,000 students.

Fiona has extensive experience of developing strategy, action plans and operational roll out and aligning underpinning policy. She has worked with multiple clients to support internal review of people management and service delivery. Fiona has led large scale projects, including a national programme to support Job Evaluation to underpin Equal Pay, and process and practice review leading to revised national guidance for the remediation of doctors and dentists in difficulty. Her HR background gives her practical experience of casework, ranging from advising managers and staff across the full spectrum of HR issues, to conducting formal investigations and dealing with complex and contentious cases.

She is advisor for a number of focussed Equality Charters (Athena Swan (gender), Race Charter, Mental health and Wellbeing) and an advisor and assessor for Investors in Diversity (a national equality standard) and is an advisor and assessor for Disability Confident Level 3, Leader

Fiona has worked extensively across a range of sectors: the Civil Service; Local Authority; government departments; the NHS; Police; Higher Education; Charities and Housing Sector as well as high profile private sector organisations such as Deloitte’s and MasterCard.

A recognised expert in her field, she has authored national guidance (NHS and HE), developed e learning training material(Harassment and Bullying; Micro- aggressions; Recruitment and Selection) for high profile clients, as well as cascade and train the trainer packages (Police).

A highly experienced trainer and facilitator, Fiona delivers sessions aimed at Leaders, Managers and Team members, including a suite of programmes covering the full scope of the employment journey: Recruitment and Selection; Appraisal; Absence Management; Performance Management; Discipline and Grievance as well as training to support those moving into their first management roles. Specialist courses include Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Awareness; Understanding HR and EDI metrics in the context of recruitment, promotion and positive action; Dignity at Work; Disability Awareness and Reasonable Adjustments. Other training and event facilitation focuses on service delivery and the customer experience.

Jo Barton

As a National Centre for Diversity and Irish Centre for Diversity Practitioner, Jo works to advance Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement (FREDIE), working with organisations across all sectors to deliver personal training as well as Investors in Diversity. She has a particular focus on both strategic and organisational development and has worked with 100’s organisations to advise and assist with the embedding of EDI and with culture change.

Her key specialisms have developed from over 25 years of work involved in EDI, including 10 years with the NCD and in leadership positions with the Disability Rights Commission and Racial Equality Councils. Jo specialises in advising clients on equality related legislation and has acted as the Equality Advisor for the Scottish Ombudsman.

Jo excels in a training environment where she can educate organisations in EDI best practice whilst supporting them to develop and embed their own policies and procedures to advance fairness across their workforce.

Shahzad Tahir
Shahzad Tahir

As a Senior Manager in Local Government Shahzad’s role is to support and influence approachs to ensuring a diverse and inclusive culture that champions and embraces difference. Ensuring that organisations have a workforce that is representative of our communities is a key to build trust and confidence in the services that we provide.  

Kam Urwin
Kam Urwin

Kam Urwin has worked in the not-for-profit and social enterprise sectors for most of her working life specialising in mentoring, inclusion and diversity. She has worked in disability focused charities and supporting women fleeing domestic abuse for nearly a decade. Since 2019 Kam has worked freelance with a range of public and private sector organisations on areas relating to inclusion, diversity, fairness, and engagement. In 2019 Kam was the Chair of WISH Yorkshire & Humberside (Women in Social Housing), in 2021 a Board Member at SYHA (South Yorkshire Housing Association) and currently is Board Member at MSV Housing Group in the Northwest.

Kam also supports trainee Board Members from diverse backgrounds to develop as future Board Members for social housing organisations. With a range of voluntary roles in the past including advocating for people with learning disabilities, befriender for asylum seekers and refugees, helper at the local foodbank and local community events organiser – she is also a keen cricket supporter, occasional amateur dramatics dabbler and busy parent of two.

Ellisha Sloanes
Ellisha Soanes

As an award-winning Equality, Diversity and Inclusion specialist, Ellisha has worked in the education sector for the past seven years and in the health and social care/Public Health sector for over 10 years.

Ellisha is an advocate for change on social mobility and she was highly influential as one of the first Further Education lecturers in the UK to facilitate Black History across the year. Her accolades include creating the ‘Elimu Little Book of knowledge’ – one of the first Black History interactive books that shows positive representation, which is being used across schools and the award-winning ‘Power of Stories’ Black Panther Exhibition.

Ellisha has closely worked with international stakeholders to support cultural change. She mentors young people in the community and collaborates with businesses and communities to empower others to create new opportunities.

Ellisha regularly contributes articles to The Guardian, BBC and Huffington Post. She has been honoured in ‘Glamour’ magazine for being a Top-15 Trailblazer Black Women and is a United Nations Women’s delegate.

Halima Kkan
Halima Khan

Working in the field of sport development, Halima Khan has spent the last decade championing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) from community to strategic level. This has involved working at a local, national and international level.

Her roles have included working within the public, private, charity and voluntary sector organisations. She has led, supported, delivered training and advised on matters of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I), ensuring companies are knowledgeable on how to develop policies and good practice action plans, leading to diversifying their organisations and its reach.

Halima is also a Non-Executive Board director for a National Governing Body (Triathlon England) with a portfolio on D&I development. She has supported the organisation successfully achieve the intermediate level Equality in Sport standard. She also been driving the D&I strategy at a board and exec level, ensuring EDI is embedded within the organisation, keeping people, culture, education and communication at the forefront of her work.

More recently Halima has completed her Level 6 qualification in Management and Leadership in Diversity and Inclusion from the Charted Management Institute (CMI).

Heena Mistry
Heena Mistry

As an NCFD Practitioner, Heena works to advance Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement (FREDIE) for all in the workplace, working with organisations across all sectors to deliver training as well as Investors in Diversity.

Heena has over 13 years of experience in stakeholder management and employee engagement within a wide variety of public and private sector industries including sport, retail, marketing, travel, hospitality, education and housing.

Her key specialisms include employee engagement, internal/external communications and the design and delivery of diversity & inclusion initiatives.

Dr Siraz Natha
Dr Siraz Natha

As an NCFD Practitioner, Siraz works to advance Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement (FREDIE) for all in the workplace, working with organisations across all sectors to deliver personal training as well as Investors in Diversity.

He has over 20 years’ experience of working in the public and voluntary sectors and is knowledgeable in all areas of Diversity and Inclusion.

Siraz has a PHD in ‘mainstreaming diversity and inclusion’, MBA, and a degree in sports and leisure management.

Helen Redman
Helen Redman

Having worked across the Post-16 sector in Sixth Forms, GFE Colleges and Training providers, Helen has a broad range of experience and skills gained from working with professionals and service users at all levels to ensure needs are met. Helen has advocated for young people, parents and adults wishing to realise equity in education and the workplace. Helen has specific expertise with inclusive technology and accessibility.

Roopa Master-Coles
Roopa Master-Coles

Roopa has worked in the field of social justice for over 30 years, supporting organisations across public, private and third sectors. As an ED&I award-winning practitioner, she has written and delivered numerous equity, diversity and inclusion training programmes (including accredited qualifications) and is a skilled practitioner in ED&I culture change, developing leadership skills, mentoring and coaching, and widening participation. She was a founder member and the first Chair of a small Racial Equality Council which grew to become a regional organisation, and has been an active board member of support organisations for vulnerable Asian women, people with disabilities and those facing multiple barriers.

Her recent experience in the education sector has provided a platform to influence inspection processes and she has proudly spoken at national conferences about the importance of ED&I culture change in the sector. Social justice is not just a profession for Roopa, it’s a way of life.

Fiona Triller

As an NCFD Advisor, Fiona has worked on the Diversity and Inclusion agenda for over 20 years in the private, public and third sectors. Current and recent clients include Aer Lingus; Abellio Scotrail; Riverside Housing Association; the Road Haulage Association; Student Loans Company; Liverpool Football Club and Leeds Trinity University.

Fiona is an experienced Organisational Development professional and has held a number of roles where she has been responsible for all aspects of employee development and engagement. Combining OD with D&I has meant that Fiona has successfully ensured that D&I is embedded into every aspect of the employee life cycle from pre-recruitment, through performance appraisal and development, to supporting employees exiting an organisation. Fiona has also delivered a wide range of leadership and management development programmes and facilitated cross organisational mentoring programmes in Leeds.

Fiona has been an advisor on a number of D&I forums, a social inclusion and diversity champion for Business in the Community, and an adjudicator for diversity awards.

Fiona is an accredited coach and member of the British Psychological Association as well as a member of the CIPD. She is also a Restorative Practice facilitator and accredited to deliver Outcomes Based Accountability training.

Faisal Arif

In his own words, Faisal is “excited by challenging and fast-paced environments”, which is one of the winning qualities he brings to his role as part of the National Centre for Diversity’s team of expert EDI practitioners and advisors.

His engaging manner makes him adept at creating ‘safe space’ settings for the valuable conversations that educate by sharing and exploring the ‘lived experiences’ of EDI.

Faisal’s other attributes and skills have been honed from a wide range of professional experiences including lecturing Leaving Certificate-level students and other education roles as an English subject specialist.  Most recent experience includes coaching and consultation around Race Awareness, Race in the curriculum, LGBTQIA+ Awareness & Youth supports, Disability Awareness and more.

Faisal says he is a comic book fanatic and adores Marvel – predominantly the X-Men series.  He also enjoys getting immersed in Shakespeare, William Burroughs and 1950s era writing.

Antonia Frezza

As a full Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD) member, Antonia has a wealth of experience in organisational development.  Her formidable skills have been honed by roles in the charity sector and Higher Education. She was Director of People & Culture at Leeds University Union and holds a Masters in Voluntary Sector Management from Bayes Business School (formerly Cass).

Antonia’s many positive attributes to her role as part of the National Centre for Diversity team of expert EDI trainers and advisors includes an appreciation of the steps needed to develop the culture and systems necessary to bring about organisational improvements.

In her spare time, Antonia is a keen choir singer.

Liza-Jo Gee

Liza-Jo Gee BSc Hons, PGCE MA ED ICP

Liza-Jo is a Professional Educator, Coach and NLP Practitioner.  

During 25 Years in the Education Sector, as a teacher progressing into senior leadership roles, Liza-Jo always continued to teach health and social care, economics, politics, childcare and education across all age ranges & levels of learning in Schools, Colleges and University.

Liza-Jo has a passion for equality and diversity and is an advocate, for those with learning differences and differing abilities.

“It is important to me that all people are treated the same ‘as individuals’ and are afforded the same life chances, benefits, and progression opportunities to reach their true potential”  

Tahir Idris 

Tahir has spent 35 years in senior roles across the social housing sector, all of them linked to rebalancing inequalities in race, disability and age particularly. 

More recently specialising in specific diversity & inclusion positions, embedding cultural change and making inclusion business as usual. Tahir is focused on what makes inclusion real and is still passionate about making a difference, particularly for those left behind or whose voices are less heard.


Diversity training tailored for your organisation utilising our FREDIE EDI framework.

Online diversity training

Online Diversity Training courses all with unique and entertaining content your staff will enjoy.


Masters in Diversity (MID) is for the trail blazers! Companies who want to set the gold standard for EDI in the workplace.

Why favour fredie?

FREDIE is our extension of the EDI framework created specifically for the modern workplace and based on two decades of EDI experience.