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Masters in
Diversity (MID) -
EDI Accreditation

For organisations wanting to lead the field in EDI.

What is Masters in Diversity?

In short, your leadership team, world class within 12 months.

Masters in Diversity is a 12-month personalised Leadership Programme which will develop your FREDIE (fairness, respect, equality, diversity, inclusion and engagement) confidence, skills and knowledge, accelerating your personal growth and development.

The Programme is based around 6 Master Classes, spanning the course of 12 months. With each Master Class delving into a different topic, we design your bespoke Leadership Programme around you, based on our 360-degree consultation and review that reveals the needs of your organisation.

Masters In Diversity Accreditation

What are the benefits?

Our experience, working with over 700 organisations has proven that senior organisational leaders are the custodians of culture.

Developing their FREDIE skills, knowledge and habits develops their leadership style, allowing them to get the best out of their people, no matter their background.

As a leader:

  • Your personal, authority, leadership, ability to motivate and inspire people, whatever their backgrounds will increase exponentially.
  • You will develop tools to makes sense of and harness your own emotions and transform these into assets.
  • You will develop much greater self-awareness and emotional intelligence, enabling you to lead your team more effectively, and develop powerful strategies to achieve change.

The Process

1. Assess:

We carry out a deep dive into your organisation, which focuses on areas such as income generation, costs (and cost drainage), savings, competitors/ comparators (and competitive advantage), culture, behaviours, habits, ‘boardroom culture’, leadership styles, personality styles, emotional intelligence, FREDIE competence and IIQ.

2. Improve:

Alongside 6 half day Master-Classes you will be assigned a Personal Development Coach; who will assist you in creating your bespoke development plan, and will provide each participant with monthly one-to-one coaching.

Each leader will receive a total of 14 hours of ‘One to One’ coaching.

3. Review:

Each participant will be personally recognised as a ‘Fellow of the National Centre for Diversity’ for 12 months.

If at least 80% of the top leaders in your organisation complete the programme the organisation will be accredited with Masters in Diversity which will be valid for 2 years from completion.

Our Guarantee to you...

We guarantee that as long as your organisation owns, leads and delivers on the agenda and follows the guidance of your Advisor, you will achieve one or more of the following outcomes:

  • Measurable improvement in your FREDIE practices
  • Organisational transformation
  • Complete culture change


Changing workplace culture takes more than a 15 minute ‘what is equality?’ video followed by a Q&A.

We realise the journey to creating a fair and equitable workplace isn’t a walk in the park – so our customer support team are here to answer all your questions, explain the process and discuss how our services can be tailored to meet your needs.

Call now on 0800 288 4717 or

Positive Outcomes From Current Clients

We see building fair places to work as an investment for your business growth.

But don’t take out word for it…

Testimonial Stars
“We are delighted to receive the Silver Award, and this will play a crucial role in shaping our long-term EDI plan, supporting us on this ongoing journey.” 
Services used: Leaders In Diversity
Tim Plumb, CEO – Polymat
“It means so much to us all that we are part of change and driving EDI forward. This accreditation is something we will display with pride as we continue to work towards our goals of a fair and equal society.”
Services used: Masters In Diversity
Karen Cowan, Head of Corporate and Governance, and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) lead – Ongo

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EDI Training

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Why do we favour fredie?

FREDIE is our extension of the EDI framework created specifically for the modern workplace and based on two decades of EDI experience.