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Falmouth pub ‘refused to serve’ man with facial palsy


Article Overview:


We received an email this morning from one of our advisors. She’d been checking the news and seen this article.

The advisor, Eileen, was saddened by the story. Our job at the National Centre for Diversity is to raise awareness of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion to advance fairness for all. Sadly, cases like this still occur everyday for people with disabilities, as well as for those who have other Protected Characteristics (age, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, sexual orientation).

If you were the gentleman in the article, Alex Barker, how would you feel if this happened to you? Or to someone in your family? Where is the respect and tolerance in this incident? Is the message not getting through? Let us know your thoughts.

You can find out more about Alex here.

Article and image sourced from the BBC.


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