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National Patrons Network launched


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Equality, diversity and inclusion sits at the centre of all the serious and at times, frightening; debates about refugees; immigration asylum, extremism and home-grown terrorism. Also disturbing is the level of bias against disabled people, sexism, homophobia, ageism, xenophobia, racism and Islamophobia.

The National Centre for Diversity has created a passionate and highly influential Patrons’ group to win the hearts and minds of the UK and create a culture change in the UK workplace.

Yesterday (21st October 2015) the National Centre for Diversity held the first inaugural meeting of the National Centre for Diversity’s National Patrons Network, in the House of Commons.

National Patrons Netwrok 2015

The National Patrons Network aims to work with specifically appointed Equality, Diversity and Inclusion leaders; across a variety of industries including large businesses, housing providers, schools, the NUS, the NAHT, charities and Further Education providers; to drive forward leadership excellence in equality, diversity and inclusion and to spread best practices in the workplace across the UK.

Among the attendees were the senior leaders of NG Bailey, the NUS, NAHT, Canals and Rivers Trust, John Ruskin College, Cestria Community Housing, Vinci Construction and Voluntary Action Fund (Scotland).

The Rt. Honourable Kirsten Oswald chaired the inaugural meeting, alongside the Rt Honourable Fabian Hamilton, both offering inspiration and passion for the aim of the National Patrons Network; which is to create a culture change in UK workplaces.DSC00519

The Patrons Network will achieve this aim through actively advancing and promoting excellence in leadership of equality, diversity and inclusion and through disseminating best practices across the UK.

We would like to thank all our Patrons who were able to attend, and a special thanks go to our speakers; Stewart McKillop (Principal of South Lanarkshire College), Debbie Gordon (Assistant Director of Corporate Services at Yorkshire Coast Homes) and her colleague Sarah Bird (Assistant Director of Communities at Yorkshire Coast Homes).

Chief Executive of National Centre for Diversity, Solat Chaudhry, commented “By advocating Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, speaking at our events and networking on behalf of the National Centre for Diversity; our Patrons will help to open up a dialogue around the issues that organisations face, in creating an equitable, diverse and inclusive working environment. Together we can ensure that this subject is embedded in the hearts and minds of organisations throughout the UK.”


Throughout the meeting we were inspired by comments, questions and the sharing of ideas and experiences from those who have joined the Patrons Network. Many of our Patron organisations are accredited with either the Investors or Leaders in Diversity Awards; awarded by the National Centre for Diversity, which emphasises their commitment to advancing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion throughout their organisation.

To find out more about the National Patrons Network and its members visit

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th April 2016.


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