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NEWTEC take the first steps on their Masters in Diversity journey


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Last week the CEO of the National Centre for Diversity Solat Chaudhry, and NCFD Advisors Irfaan Arif and Asari St Hill, spent the day with the Top 10 leaders at Newham based training organisation, NEWTEC.

NEWTEC, whose Chief Executive, Pat Edwards won the coveted 2017 Chief Executive of the Year Award at the National Centre for Diversity’s Annual Grand Awards in March 2017, and 9 other leaders at NEWTEC recently signed up to the NCFD’s latest innovation in EDI – the Masters in Diversity leadership programme, and had their first taste of what’s to come on Tuesday 18th July 2017.

Pat, when asked about how his first one-to-one coaching session, said:

“It must have gone really well because I drove home straight after and cannot remember any of the journey home. All I could think of is what I learnt about myself during that session. Masters in Diversity is going to be a life changer. It will transform our leadership team and our organisation.

My colleagues were all excited about the first master class and couldn’t wait for it to begin. They were avidly reading the preparation materials and enthusiastically discussing the content.”

Mr Chaudhry commented:

“The Masters in Diversity leadership programme is just mind-blowing even for us. We have been working on it for three years. It is crammed with so many world-changing, revolutionary concepts, practices and approaches that I firmly believe it is the only approach that will radically transform the thinking and practices of the world’s leaders.”

There are 3 key components to the Masters in Diversity programme:

  1. A business analysis – a deep dive where we find out all about your organisation, your competitors and how we can help you save and make money.
  2. One-to-One coaching
  3. 6 Master Classes

Masters in Diversity also incorporates neuro-equality, the NCFD’s brand new Inclusion Intelligence Quotient (IIQ) and a 10-point culture change route map to name but a few innovations.

The aim of Masters in Diversity is to take leaders from first class to world class and from good to great leaders within 12 months.

During their first session, NEWTEC’s top leaders explored their aspirations as a leadership team, the internal structure of their organisation, as well as their strengths and weaknesses compared to their competitors. The leadership team was also introduced to the concept of Neuro-equality and multi-dimensional equality, and how to both understand and articulate the business case for FREDIE (Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement) in their organisation.

Each delegate also received their individual Inclusion Intelligence Quotient (IIQ) score and their Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ).

In the coming months, each leader will receive One-to-One coaching; this will help them to underpin what they have learnt during the Master Class, as well as using their IIQ and EQ scores to write their personal development plan.

Mr Chaudhry also added:

“It was great to see the facial expressions of NEWTEC’s top leaders change with great regularity as they discovered new things about themselves, their teams, colleagues and each other. Masters in Diversity will help you work on the most important resource in your organisations –  you!”

To find out more about the NCFD’s Masters in Diversity leadership programme, contact us at or give us a call on 0800 288 4717.


Stay up to speed with the latest on EDI in the UK workplace from The National Centre For Diversity.