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Proving EDI can make a positive change in business.


GRAHAM has shown particular strength in improving outcomes for women in STEM and construction, with data evidencing the increase in women progressing into senior roles.


INDUSTRY: Construction and Engineering
ACCREDITATION(S): Investors In Diversity, Leaders In Diversity
FREDIE AWARDS: #41 – Top 100 Most Inclusive Workplaces Index

Positive Outcomes From EDI Accreditation

GRAHAM were keen to see positive outcomes for their organisation from the efforts they put into their EDI journey. They weren't disappointed.

...88% GRAHAM employees trust their manager to support them
...believe that GRAHAM is outstanding at eliminating discrimination
...more females are undertaking leadership development
...more female employees at GRAHAM are now in STEM roles


GRAHAM is a privately-owned contractor specialising in building, civil engineering, interior fit-out, facilities management and investment projects. With over 2200 employees, GRAHAM is an Investors in People (IIP) Platinum and Health and Wellbeing accredited business.

Having achieved Investors in Diversity in October 2022, GRAHAM is working towards Leaders in Diversity. With a strong commitment to an open and inclusive culture, GRAHAM has worked with the Construction Industry Training Board, Supply Chain Sustainability School and the Civil Engineering Contractors Association to develop the industry-wide FIR (Fairness, Inclusion and Respect) initiative.

The Aims:

GRAHAM wanted to be able to speak directly to their people to get to the heart of what they think and feel about the organisation. Investors in Diversity was an opportunity to bring their existing work together and move forward with a consistent strategy and approach.

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GRAHAM has ambitious goals to be a leader in operating ethically. It’s what we want, what our employees and incoming talent want, it’s what our clients demand and what the government is asking for.

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The Benefits:

GRAHAM has taken full advantage of their diagnostic results, breaking the data down by division to allow them to take a bespoke approach to the strengths and recommendations of each area of the organisation. Having a strong relationship with their assessor, Sir Nathan, has emboldened the organisation to move forward with Leaders in Diversity based on the engagement of GRAHSM’s leadership and GRAHAM’s historic commitment to FIR.

Business Impact:

Having created a positive feedback loop in which employees can see GRAHM acting on the comments and the data they receive, employees feel confident in the organisation. Through building an inclusive culture and showing their people that they are respected and valued, GRAHAM has increased engagement with employees showing their confidence through involvement in staff networks and organisational initiatives.

GRAHAM has shown particular strength in women undertaking leadership development and progressing into senior roles.

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